ces@ndkc.edu.ph | Datu Ingkal St., Kidapawan City Philippines, 9400 | (064) 577-5083
Community Extension
The Community Extension Services
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College, as a Marist School is a service-arm of the Marist Brothers to carry out the spirit of Saint Marcellin Champagnat to “educate the youth especially the poor” (Marist Brothers Constitution) and the Marist Mission” “to respond to the needs of the local church in the task of transforming society in the light of the Gospel values,” (Marist Philippine Province Vision-Mission.)
With this view, NDKC strives to initiate programs and extend services to the least favored sectors and communities in Kidapawan and other municipalities in the Province of Cotabato.
Hence, the Community Extension Services (CES) of this College was organized with the goal of sharing the Institution’s resources and expertise toward the social consciousness and engagement of the students for the transformation of the society.
CES Office also links to different stakeholders including the Misereor, Assisi Development Foundation, Child Fund Japan, Jollibee Group Foundation, NDKC-MVTP, ALS, City Government of Kidapawan, DTI, NEDA, DOLE, DSWD, DA, DepED, PMPI, NDEA and CPMFC.
NDKC-CES in partnership with:

Personnel/Student Organization
- The President of every departments/clubs shall coordinate with the CES Personnel.
- The President of every departments/clubs shall write a letter elaborating their purpose in conducting the activity, whose their beneficiaries/recipients and responsible persons, and the proposed date to conduct the activity.
- The President of every departments/clubs and CES Personnel will conduct courtesy Call to the designated person-in-authority in the community.
- The departments/clubs will conduct/implement the activity to the community.
- Submit the ff. community extension reports a week after the conduct of the activity of the departments and clubs to the CES Office with the required format:
- A.) Copy of Attendance Sheet
- B.) Narrative Report
- C.) Copy of Liquidation Report if budget is needed
- D.) Photo Documentation
General Objectives
- To facilitate learning opportunities for the students to ensure that they are socially aware and engaged in the transformation of the society.
- To provide learning opportunities to the people especially in the deprived communities, and alleviate the quality of their lives.
- To strengthen people’s capacity to access
services and engage in productive activities.
Specific Objectives:
The Community Extension Personnel shall:
- Conduct activities such as orientation, seminars/trainings and immersion on commu- nity development work.
- Initiate baseline studies, design and implement appropriate interventions for the community;
- Conduct value and spiritual formation and capacity-building activities for the least-favored people in the communities especially the children, youth and women.
Special Program:
» Marist Vocational Training Program (MVTP)
This is a 5-month vocational training for out-of-job youth and school drop-outs from disadvantaged and poor communities in the Diocese of Kidapawan, Mindanao. This is implemented by NDKC-CES as a replication of NDDC, the mother unit. The program which started in A.Y 1992-1993 is funded by MISEREOR, Germany.The technical course offerings include: Automotive Diesel Mechanics, Beauty Care/ Cosmetology, Computer Service System, Consumer Electronics Servicing, Dressmaking/Tailoring, Electrical Installation and Maintenance, Hotel and Restaurant Services-Housekeeping, Refrigeration & Air-conditioning, Plumbing, Small Engine Servicing, and Welding and Steel Fabrication.
Protocols in the Conduct of Community Services
- The Department Head/ Class Instructor shall coordinate with the CES Personnel.
- The Department Head/ Class Instructor shall write a letter elaborating their purpose in conducting the activity, whose their beneficiaries/recipients and responsible persons, and the proposed date to conduct the activity.
- The Department Head/ Class Instructor and CES Personnel will conduct courtesy Call to the designated person-in-authority in the community.
- The Department Head/ Class Instructor will conduct/implement the activity to the community.
- Submit the ff. community extension reports a week after the conduct of the activity of the departments and clubs to the CES Office with the required format:
- A.) Copy of Attendance Sheet
- B.) Narrative Report
- C.) Copy of Liquidation Report (if budget is needed)
- D.) Photo Documentation

Continuing Education Programs:
» Alternative Learning System- Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS-A&E)
The Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program is a program aimed at providing an alternative pathway of learning for out-of-school children, youth and adults who are basically literate but who have not completed the 10 years of basic education mandated by the Philippine Constitution. Through this program, school dropouts are able to complete elementary and high school education outside the formal school system.
» Alternative Learning System and Skills Training Programs (ALS-STP)
The program provides alternative means to help the out-of-school youth and adults, and unemployed women through vocational skills training. The skills training will be conducted for 12 sessions every Saturday for 3 months. It includes Food Trade (Baking/Food Preservation/Cooking), Beauty Care (Manicure and Pedicure/ Make-up and Hairstyling), Basic Computer Literacy, and Dressmaking.
Outreach Activities
- Clean-up Drive is an activity initiated by the NSTP Department in participation of the NSTP students and facilitated by the NSTP teachers.
- Blood-Letting Activity is conducted once a year by the National Service Training Program(NSTP) Department in participation of the blood donors to whom are residents from within and outside Kidapawan City.
- Tree Planting is usually done through the initiative of the Supreme Student Government Council (SSG).
- Pamaskong Handog is done every December through the generous hearts of the RE and RS students, individually, to give something that will give joy and happiness to the less fortunate children to a part icular community.
- Timbayayong is a Community-Outreach Program of the Cotabato Provincial Mobile Force Company (CPMFC) and their Advisory Council.
» Livelihood and Skills Training Program
The program, under the sponsorship of the Department of Business and Accountancy, is a Marist way of taking part in the government responsibility of uplifting the quality of life of the poor particularly in Kidapawan City.This provides skills training, and financial assistance to qualified beneficiaries in a particular target community, so that the following objectives will be accomplished:- To develop entrepreneurial ability among the beneficiaries.
- To create self-employment opportunities and to supplement family income of the beneficiaries.
- To develop people empowerment for the poor sector of our society.
- To uplift the standard of living of the people in the community.
- To develop social awareness and responsibility among the students and faculty.
» Community Profiling, Research and Development
The components of the program include the gathering, organization and management, and utilization of community based data which would serve as basis for planning development/ extension programs for all target and existing beneficiary communities. This is hoped to effect successful development and implementation programs.
» Medical and Health Education Program
The primary objective of the program is to encourage and mobilize people in the target communities to plan, carry out, and sustain community-based medical and health activities.The major components of the program which include community organizing; establishment of blood directory; sessions/training-workshops on Emergency prevention and first-aid, Alternative medicine; and health and environment education aims to accomplish the following objectives:- To encourage people to participate and take responsibility for their own basic and immediate health activities.
- To educate the stakeholders about the importance of health and sanitation, causes of diseases and other preventive measures.
- To facilitate the delivery of health services to the stakeholder community by forging linkage with appropriate government and other agencies;
- To facilitate the organization and maintenance of emergency response group; and
- To conduct trainings relative to health, sanitation, and other alternative medicine.

Training Offerings: (5 months)
- Automotive Diesel Mechanics
- Beauty Care/ Cosmetology
- Computer Service System
- Consumer Electronics Servicing
- Dressmaking/Tailoring
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance
- Hotel and Restaurant Services-Housekeeping
- Refrigeration & Air-conditioning
- Plumbing
- Small Engine Servicing Welding and Steel Fabrication